Thursday, October 31, 2019
Descriptive annotated bibilograhy Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Descriptive bibilograhy - Annotated Bibliography Example The author is an expert on his subject having spent 25 years designing, and then analyzing, and reporting on both military experiments and tests carried out in the operational field. This long document contains such things as definitions and principles to be followed an dins concerned with moving on from the industrial age into the age of technology without discarding all earlier knowledge. It considers hierarchies within the military, but is also willing to take in ideas from the private sector where these are relevant. It describes the characteristics required of forces in the 21st century , including the ability to integrate and co-operate, working with many different agencies as required. It has an excellent bibliography on related topics. The authors are both experts in their fields, Dr Alberts being concerned with research and planning and Dr Hayes being an expert in the multidisciplinary analyses of command as well as in concerned with control as well as intelligence, and issues of national security. This extensive paper is another of a series of related documents from the Center for Advanced Concepts and Technology. It is concerned with a global view - one which had its beginnings in informal links and which is now much more extensive and interconnected, considering how basic is the whole idea of how groups are formed, and how they interact and overlap. It looks at the present situation, or very recent events, but also on into the future. The vulnerability of various methods of communication is considered using real example such as the Falklands War. The index is extensive and easy to use and there is also a catalog of related works from the CACT. The authors look back far into history and somehow connect ideas from those times to modern situations. This document describes how network centric warfare can become reality by looking into the future. It considers such important matters as training and education, security in a fast
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Buyer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Buyer Behavior - Essay Example Real world marketing strategies must account for this principle in a bid to lure consumers into buying, and actually draw them to certain products and not others. The personal factor in influencing buyer behavior is diverse and dynamic. Individual buyers exhibit different buying behaviors based on their tastes and preferences, and the actual product or service properties they look. Price and quality sensitivity also plays a fundamental role in driving individuals into buying. There are those that buy due to price favorability, while others will pay the given price provided the product or service meets the desired quality (Lunn, 2011). On the same note, there are persons who buy products or services because they are expensive; purchase of ostentatious commodities. Marketing in this line can also influence personal buying behaviors relative to meeting personal demands and properties in products and services (Lunn, 2011). Personal factor in the buying behavior of consumers cannot be ignored relative to the purchase process and buyer
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Business Process Redesigning At Starbucks
Business Process Redesigning At Starbucks This research paper discusses the reversal of the growth momentum achieved by Starbucks Company and the problems facing its internal business process which in turn would decrease the customer base of the company in the long run. The paper suggests some positive steps to stall the decline by introducing redesigning in areas like information system for better interaction and adding value in its whole supply chain process. In order to be more cost effective in the whole of the value chain of Starbucks the paper has introduced certain tools like lean management and IT software to smoothen the process of interaction in a much better way. Starbucks Company has attained a unique place in the world for the brewing and retailing of extra rich coffee experience that it gives to its millions of customers. The company has more than 16600 stores in over 40 countries and is still expanding. Starbucks sells different varieties of coffee like drip brewed coffee, espresso hot drinks, coffee beans, salads and other snacks, besides offering mugs and tumblers with its logo over the counter. Starbucks also runs an entertainment division and markets music and films apart from the sale of books and other stationery. Although Starbucks Company is seen to be the worlds largest producer and retailer of specialty coffee, offering the widest range of regular and decaffeinated coffee and beverages, it is not likely to be so in the future due to stiff competition and price war. This means that most likely the competitors which are both local cafes and large retail giants are gaining ground in this niche area where Starbucks previously had a firm foothold. This is quite likely as the current trends of the worlds largest coffee brewer suggest and necessitated the giant to close down shutters on many of its promising coffee stores around the world. The recession has further taken its toll with many consumers preferring similar coffees at cheaper price. Therefore, there is every reason to suggest that Starbucks carries out a total redesigning of its existing levels of functions right from the stage it procures its materials like raw bean purchase to the stage when the final output passes on to the hands of the customers at its various stores. This is not an insurmountable task as Starbucks own system has so far allowed it to function without much of hindrance. But given the fact that the current market conditions have changed drastically and the stiff competition has brought a price war, Starbucks would have to make some changes in the methods pertaining to this problem. Hence, this paper suggests certain important steps in the right direction which could make Starbucks a formidable challenge to it customers as well as retain its large customer base almost intact. The first and primary step is to make some changes in the way the information system at Starbucks functions and the second is the way the lean management system could be introduced in its value chain starting from the procurement of raw materials to the sale of coffee beverages at its retail counters. In order to bring out the required focus on these two foremost activities it is necessary for Starbucks to introduce a newer and better Information System to solve this problem. This would mean that Starbucks would have to implement new software which helps in allowing the free flow of information through the complete supply chain process. As we move into the information age, the success of the organization depends upon its own experience and that of others and by the right method of collecting this information it attains the greatest competitive advantage (Fairfield, 2001). The second problem is to curtail wastages as well as avoid the fluctuating prices of coffee beans while procuring through a series of checks and pragmatic forecasting. The fluctuation in prices could be seasonal and the procurement could be done by meticulous planning. For instance, coffee procurement could be made by coming into terms with the suppliers on a long term basis where prices of coffee beans could be fixed. In this Starbucks is way ahead of all other competitors and can dictate terms in the market to some extent and there by reduce its procurement costs. For all this to be made into a seamless operation the rapid flow of information with the help of Internet and intranet is of paramount importance and hence the right software facilitating this flow for stage by stage implementation of lean management and the consequent training of the staff for the fulfillment of the whole process are the prerequisites. Here, the Information System is quite different from the Information Technology and should not be confused. At Starbucks the information system includes the component known as Information Technology and this is allowed to function in tandem with that of other processes in order to get the maximum effect. The Information system at Starbucks should achieve alignment of processes, the use of hardware, the installation of the requisite software and the relevant flow of data from one end of the value chain to the other. At Starbucks it is therefore suggested that there should be a different approach for the flow of information and they must add value at every level of the supply chain. For this reason the staff ought to be trained in the right direction for understanding the whole processes at Starbucks in order to give the customers the best experience they can get anywhere else at affordable and competitive pricing. The information system at Starbucks can be made to use for procurement of supplies, the passing of the materials into the inventory, supplying and cooking section and to the counter where the items pass into the hands of the customers. In order to make this operation smooth and almost effortless the staff must be trained with skills in usage of the intranet and the Internet as well as lean management system. The basic idea is to get everyone right from the procuring stage to the customer service section the knowledge and skills are required of lean management system. Not only this, the staff at each level of function adds something of value by carefully monitoring the items that pass through his or her hands and add value to it. The ultimate product when it reaches the hands of the customers is one of rich and mind-boggling experience which the competitors would fail to do as it is Starbucks competitive strength. This culture once when imbued to all the areas of the Starbucks with the help of the fastest method in the form of unique software could become a marvel to its own employees as well as other stakeholders. The key determinant is how a brand is positioned and successful positioning involves associating the b rand to the category which the customers can easily recognize and quickly differentiate (Iacobucci, 2001). Aligning Corporate Goal with Lean Management The mission statement of Starbucks is to inspire and nurture the human spirit and in fact means one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. The mission statement thus is quite ambitious for Starbucks and had not there been much of competition and every additional store that it established in one neighborhood made money for it then the mission is quite in line with practicality. However, this is not so for Starbucks has to buckle under the pressure of world wide recession and many of its stores had to close down. In order for the mission statement and its objective are made practical Starbucks would have to implement the lean management system at each stage and to put that into affect it must have a smooth information flowing system in place. As lean management would put a check into the wastage apart from adding quality and value to the product at every stage it would allow the mission and the objectives of the company to be achieved without any hindrance. Perhaps the lean ma nagement system being quite effective especially during crash crunch, there would be more liquidity infused into the system as well as there would be money available to fulfill the need for one store per neighborhood as per the mission statement. With proper checks in wastage through this system there would be better checks and controls over items that are not cost effective or which are not quite in line with Starbucks brand. Again, apart from quality the product looks and the way it is served should be appealing and this is also achieved by the staff who is involved in adding value to it. Product quality by itself does no make a sale for the customers must understand that the items they receive are of good quality and value (Reddy, 1994). Cost Benefits of Systems Change One of the chief factors for introducing lean management techniques at Starbucks is to control wastage and give priority to procurement of supplies and produce coffee beverages, snacks and other food products according to the demand. The software developed for the purpose would ensure the smooth function of the whole system so that neither there is any lag in quality of the product nor any wastage results out of it. In case of such careful alignment the functions of all departments in the supply chain remain uninterrupted and the end product attains a value that is truly an experience for the consumers. Again, by reducing the overall cost effectively the margins achieved are on the higher side and give the Starbucks Company the flexibility to manipulate the price and if need be can reduce it significantly enough which is not at all possible for the competition. The other advantage is that during peak season there would be enough liquidity for expansion plans, especially in emerging economies where the affect of recession has not been felt so badly. So even if the Starbucks management thinks of expanding further it would not face resource crunch. But the best of all in this system is the performance of staff which would be quite in line with mission statement of the company. The trained staff of Starbucks would be better placed in tackling any difficulties or problems and can be entrusted with even greater responsibilities. The very culture would pave way for work life balance as a whole with total quality management being the focal point in the behavior of staff. Apart from that the employees would work in a more efficient manner as they would be rewarded and promoted based on the systems efficiency. All these actions finally translate into increase customer service and further improve upon the customer service information by receiving feed backs such that the system is again made more efficient and productive. Implementation of the System The implementation of the lean management system could be made in a phased manner than in an abrupt manner. The fact is that Starbucks has already got a system in place which is quite good as far as the standards are concerned. But this does not necessitate the system to be perfect as the cost effectiveness of its operation along with total quality control is of primary importance. However, while introducing a system over that of another or scrapping one altogether may not be quite to the liking of the employees and even managers as they would have already made themselves comfortable with the older system. Besides, they would not want another system to be thrust upon them for there is no written guarantee of sorts whether the new system would perform better or worse. Besides, it is quite a well known fact in the industrial circles that redesigning and reengineering have backfired on several well known companies. Many of these companies have had success over time only after several ea rlier attempts at reengineering had proved to be futile. This naturally brings all sorts of apprehension in the minds of the employees and they might resist these by deliberate acts of underperformance or vociferously. Hence, on its part the management should be aware of these changes and try to implement them in a phased manner. In many instances the employees as rightfully seen are the first target as they may be shifted or transferred or even asked to leave. This may be good for the company, but it surely upsets any employee who has given honest service to the company for many years. With the proper implementation of mechanisms that would address such issues the management may make the move for change in the system and introduce in a phased manner the lean system of management. They should also form an ideal mutually acceptable condition for this change and all employees are to be made aware of the fact that the customers nowadays are more discerning than ever before and if the c ompany does not change or address this problem then it would have to down its shutter permanently. Customers are more discerning than they used to in the past when they purchased simply depending upon their whims and fancies (Griffin, 2002). This sums up that the customer is the most important person at the premise of the stores of Starbucks and that the customer satisfaction should be the objective of the company policies and any change to that end has to be implemented whether it is acceptable to the employees and the management or not. The new system which would be implemented in a phased manner can be done within a stipulated period of time of one year. In order to implement the lean management system a good project plan is required and the management must ensure that the proper project management software is used for the purpose. There are many types of software and the management as well as the other employees may be taken into confidence for the most suitable software after getting their feedback and response. The resulting software could be chosen in consultation with a software company to suit the business. One of the prerequisite part of the project planning which actually relates to work schedules and the period of time that is required for their completion can be derived from a Gantt chart. These again can be developed with the help of a good software company or if it is to be used for each individual store then the same could be downloaded from various websites. Under the project plan the scope of the pro ject is defined and then steps are taken and drafted for the completion of the same. That is various areas that require changes at Starbucks are stated and written down and these are then grouped in order the specific jobs could be allocated to individual employees. This can be more easily done with the help of a software program and the logical interrelationship between the different tasks like supplies, logistics, inventory, kitchen and counter can be very well defined with the help of a diagram drawn or charted in the computer and then passed on to various stores with the help of the Internet. Here, the management as well as the employees can quickly get an idea of the important parts of the system as well as their most critical areas. With the help of this project planning Starbucks management can estimate the cost of resources that are necessary under the lean management system and the cost of implementation of each type of activity. This would enable them to get the total project cost and which again would lead to trimming and pruning of the budgetary allowances and the cost of implementation by foregoing some areas while making the necessary changes in the others. Conclusion The Starbucks systems change by introducing lean management with the supplementary help from flow of information can be made into an effective tool for the overall growth of the organization, especially in retaining its large customer base and getting new ones. The system which is almost foolproof in nature is a concerted action on part of all level of employees and stakeholders in the supply chain. This redesign mitigates most of the fear that would have arisen had Starbucks lost a good number of its customers to its competitors. The risk of losing business is in fact greatly curtailed and Starbucks can look forward to a complete turnaround in its profitability and share value after the system is made operational. One of the most important factors in this type of lean management technique is the overall focus which would make the staff and the management even more involved as their benefits would soon be perceived at all stages of the company. There would be no paucity of funds for day to day operation or if Starbucks had wanted to introduce an item on no profit or no loss basis for creating more value and goodwill then the same could be done without much affect on the overall profits of the company. The introduction of kiosks and digital retailing solutions and self service kiosks which could be established anywhere could be implemented as they are all a perfect match to the system of lean management.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Eileen Gray Essay -- Architecture Architect Gray Essays
Eileen Gray When one talks or thinks of architecture, or the architects, there is a great gender gap, and due to these gaps, some women do not acquire the acknowledgement that is rightfully theirs. As one of the finest architects, designers, and artist of the 20th century, Eileen Gray was and still has not been given any attention as a serious designer/architect, unlike her counter parts, Le Corbusier, De Stijl, Mies van der Rohe, or Frank Lloyd Wright. Eileen Gray spent most of her designing life in France and was influenced greatly by a veriety of designers and architects. She found her self indulged in the art of Toulouse-Lautrec, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gaughin, Seurat, and Bonnaard. Eileen Gray admired Le Corbusierââ¬â¢s Five Points of Architecture, and found it to be a stating point in her designing of buildings. It could be seen in her E-1207 house, Tempe A Pailla, and her Lou Perou house built near St. Tropez. Eileen Graysââ¬â¢ most significant piece of work is the E-1027 house built on the shores of Menton (1926-29). Eileen responds to each of Le Corbusiersââ¬â¢ points at E.1027. The roof garden is transformed into an accessible roof terrace without plantings. Pilotis support portions of the volume of the house. The windows of the house open with a completely different system than the one Le Corbusier proposed. Some of E.1027's windows are vertical rather than horizontal bands, but still they are continuous and add flow to the interior rooms. The interior stairways are f...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Belonging: The Crucible
Belonging is a far-reaching yet complex idea that is powerfully explored in Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s The Crucible. It illustrates a variety of aspects of belonging, where it can be compared and contrasted with ideas in other texts such as Oliver Parkerââ¬â¢s film Dorian Gray and Oodgeroo Noonuccalââ¬â¢s poem We Are Going. These texts present ideas of power and isolation, which consequently lead to individuals either belonging or not belonging to the community. Through the use of a variety of literary, film and dramatic techniques, the composers can emphasise and convey the similar (or differing) aspects of belonging found in each text. Power is an evident theme in The Crucible that suggests it controls the fragile town of Salem. As such, an individualââ¬â¢s feeling of belonging is influenced by Salemââ¬â¢s theocratic and authoritative government. The characterisation of Hale allows the audience to realise this, as he immediately belongs and assumes a position of power. Initially, Hale is the driving force of the witch trials, as he represents the theocracy, is educated and possesses books that are ââ¬Å"weighted with authorityâ⬠. This feeds his ego as the ââ¬Ëexpertââ¬â¢ and demonstrates his ability to exert power onto the townspeople. He also stresses that ââ¬Å"Theology is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted smallâ⬠. This clearly shows that you either belong or donââ¬â¢t belong in the community, and that those who choose not to belong do so at their own peril. However, Haleââ¬â¢s guilt grows throughout the play when he realises the bitterness of the accusations and metaphorically describes his actions with ââ¬Å"What I touched with my bright confidence it died, and where I turned the eye of my great faith, blood flowed upâ⬠. This evidently shows the extent to which Hale can exert power and his consequent feelings of guilt. Ultimately, Hale questions his faith and removes himself from the sense of belonging fostered in Salem. His assertion of ââ¬Å"I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court! â⬠emphasise his withdrawal from the community and decision not to conform. The same idea of power can be compared to Oliver Parkerââ¬â¢s film Dorian Gray, and suggests that there can be devastating consequences when one allows themselves to be influenced by others in order to belong. Since Dorian possesses wealth, beauty and eternal youth, he is a powerful but vain character. Being a newcomer, Dorian wants to belong and so therefore, he allows himself to be influenced by Henry Wottenââ¬â¢s hedonistic way of life. When Dorian announces ââ¬Å"Perhaps I should nail my soul to the devilââ¬â¢s alterâ⬠, he contemplates the idea of conforming in order to sustain power and belong. Dorian does eventually follow Henryââ¬â¢s example and becomes accepted by society. Parker also uses the technique of slow motion to emphasise this. When Dorian enters and announces ââ¬Å"Well here I amâ⬠, time temporarily slows in order to accentuate his power and influence. Dorianââ¬â¢s friends, who are now old and bitter, are awestruck by the sight of him. As such, his sense of belonging is heightened due to the admiration and acceptance he receives from society. However, Dorian eventually develops a conscience and recognises he has led a sinful life. Parker uses the motif of a deteriorating painting to demonstrate this. The painting reminds Dorian that he should maintain his own values and firstly belonging to himself before belonging to society. As a result, he realises the negative consequences of trying to conform and loses his power by destroying the painting as a sign of self-belonging. Isolation is another idea explored in The Crucible, suggesting that indivuals can face barriers to belonging, which therefore lead to feelings of alienation. Abigail and her circle of friends are the ones who feel the most loneliness since they are young and unmarried. This forces them to secretly rebel and dance in the woods. For Abigail, the need for acceptance is shown through her affair with John Proctor. Miller juxtaposes love and lust to highlight their differences. Abigailââ¬â¢s exclamation of ââ¬Å"You loved me John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me! â⬠shows her repetition of the word ââ¬Ëloveââ¬â¢. However, Proctor only uses ââ¬Ëlustââ¬â¢ to describe their relationship. As a result, the audience sees that Abigail is a character who is constantly rejected with a desperate need to belong. Furthermore, Abigailââ¬â¢s crying of ââ¬Å"Child! How do you call me child! â⬠emphasise her failed attempt at belonging, and suggests that the only way for a woman to be accepted in society is to be a wife. John Proctor is the opposite of Abigail and ultimately chooses not to belong. His words ââ¬Å"I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that manâ⬠are metaphorical and signify his rejection of the Salem justice system. Although he believes he is unworthy of anything due to his affair with Abigail, Proctor eventually finds ââ¬Å"a shred of goodnessâ⬠in himself by maintaining his own values and choosing to belong to himself. His redemption is also shown through Millerââ¬â¢s stage directions. The drumroll crash and streaming sunlight in the final scene contrasts with previous scenes and signifies that he has done the right thing by choosing to die and belong to himself rather than sign himself to lies. In comparison to The Crucible, Oodgeroo Noonuccalââ¬â¢s poem We Are Going also conveys themes of isolation. Similarly to Abigail, the Aboriginal persona faces a barrier to belonging. The alienation of which the persona feels is due to the white settlers and the consequential loss of culture and identity. ââ¬Å"Many white men hurry about like antsâ⬠is an example of a simile that suggests that the settlers are busy and stressed. This is a contrast to traditional aboriginal life, and shows the differing perspectives between the settlers and the narrator. Here, the juxtaposition of the two ethnic groups is parallel to Abigail and Proctorââ¬â¢s view on love and lust, and reinforces the idea of isolation. Furthermore, Noonuccal uses repetition, particularly with the word ââ¬Å"Goneâ⬠to emphasis the lost feelings of belonging. Noonuccal writes: ââ¬Å"The scrubs are gone, the eagle is gone, the bora ring is goneâ⬠to stress the loss of culture and connection with the land. The poem also uses collective first-person narration to give the audience a personal understanding on the frustrations of not belonging. ââ¬Å"We are goingâ⬠are the three words in the title and conclusion. It implies that the aboriginals are not welcome in their homeland and will let go of the past and their old ways. This echoes the idea of belonging to oneââ¬â¢s self, which is found in The Crucible. Like Proctor, the aboriginals choose not to conform and decide to leave in order to preserve their individuality and ââ¬Å"self belongingâ⬠. The Crucible exhibits situations where humans have the need for power and acceptance. These ideas of belonging (or not belonging) can also be compared in Dorian Gray and We Are Going through a variety of dramatic, film and literary techniques. Therefore, these ideas are delicately communicated with a greater impact on the audienceââ¬â¢s understanding of the concept of belonging.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Medical Technology profession Essay
1. Among the past presidents of PAMET, who do you think has the greatest contribution in Medical Technology profession? Why do you think so? The first president, Mr. Charlemagne Tamondong, I think has the greatest contribution in the field of Medical Technology. Mr. Tamondong has proven that without his achievements as the first PAMET president, the association would never be as it is as now. He had worked for the medical technologistââ¬â¢s name to be accepted by the public. I believe that he had done these achievements against many obstacles. With his courage, he had made it. He had given honor to the medical technologists. One thing that also admired me of him was his success in working for the House Bill No. 7682. Mr. Tamondong had initiated the Republic Act No. 00557 that medical technologists depend on until now. He is the root of all the achievements of all the PAMET presidents after him until now. And as a future Registered Medical Technologist, I have a great respect of all his works and achievements for the Medical Technology profession. 2. If you are going to become the PAMET President, how are you going to serve the organization? What is/are the issue/s you are going to resolve? What are your plans? Answer: It would be a great opportunity for me to become a PAMET President. It sounds impossible to be achieved by me but when fate gives me the chance to be as a president, my plans would accord for the medical technology students and most especially for the registered medical technologists. Many students majoring the Medical Technology course wanted to achieve in the chosen fields in their respective schools. My plan for the students would be a workshop held in their school. This workshop would be participated by registered medical technologists who are also members of the association. This in result would inspire the students to pursue the course. On the other side, I have visions for the registered medical technologists. There are many medical technology students nowadays. The most likely to happen after 2-3 years would be lack of job of many registered medical technologists. To prevent this to happen, I would be looking for funding for more laboratories to activate thus, aiding the loss of job opportunities of medical technologists and for faster and accurate results for the different laboratory tests.
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